Public Awareness Goes to Kayunga, Lugazi Courts
The Communications and Public Relations Registry, kicked off public awareness campaigns in several courts. This week, the Registry kicked off the campaigns in Kayunga and Lugazi Chief Magistrates Courts.
The sensitization will be climaxed with a court open day at Jinja High Court on March 14, 2022, which will be presided over by the Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera.
The Campaigns which include radio talk shows, distribution of literature on court processes, aim at enhancing communities’ knowledge of court processes and initiatives.
In Kayunga, court users who included prisoners, were sensitized about the various court initiatives which included Plea Bargaining, Small Claims Procedure, Mediation and bail refund procedure. The public was sensitized about the Judiciary toll free line helplines.
There was a question and answer session where the Court’s Magistrates; HW Muggaga John Kavuma and HW Kyoshabire Caroline gave responses on different issues raised. These included matters to do with Execution, role of bailiffs, administration of estates among others.
At Lugazi Court, the Chief Magistrate, HW Amabilis Stella Maris, the awareness campaigns were held alongside a stakeholder meeting to discuss matters affecting administration of justice in that jurisdiction. During the meeting, the stakeholders were sensitized on the different initiatives that the Judiciary has and were also urged to share the knowledge with the people in their communities.
The awareness campaigns will today Head to Njeru Magistrates Court.
Posted 10th, March 2022